

August 28th, 2019

The bedspreads are an ideal complement, they shelter, decorate and give packing to the bed. A good quilt can make a difference at the aesthetic and comfort level. Choosing the right one is simple, you just have to keep several things in mind.

Choose bedspreads for beds

Consider the measures

The bedspread bedspreads are usually quite standard, as are the mattress sizes. It is necessary to take into account the width of the bed, the length and height of the base and the thickness of the mattress. Normally, the set does not exceed 50 cm in height.

The manufacturers make the bedspreads between 90 and 100 centimeters wider so that the falls are perfect. Therefore, a quilt for a bed 150 × 200 should be 240/250 cm wide and 270 long to cover the fall of the feet of the bed and cover the pillow well.

What do we want the quilt for?

We have to think about whether we are going to use it to shelter the bed or simply as a decorative element.

In the latter case, quilts are usually not functional; They are usually manufactured in fabrics such as silk that slide at night, or with rhinestones, and that makes it necessary to remove them for sleep.

In the case that we want to use the quilt to warm the bed more during the night, we usually resort to piqué bedspreads &  cotton ... we will choose thick fabrics that correctly withstand wear. In addition to being functional, they are also decorative and must be kept in perfect condition for a long time.

A quality quilt

Like everything related to the rest equipment , it is best to acquire a quilt of the best possible quality that assures us years of use correctly fulfilling its function. The quality of the fabric, the number of threads, the quilt filling ... everything is decisive when it comes to the final quality.

Define a budget

How much do we want to spend? Is it going to be a quilt for seasonal or permanent use? It is not the same to buy a quilt that will be used all year long than the one we would buy for a holiday home that is used one month a year. Without sacrificing quality there is a wide variety of prices available, depending on the designer and the manufacturer.

Don't forget the design

Choose a quilt that does not clash in your room, which follows the general color scheme. We always say that the bedroom is a place to rest and relax, and that is why it needs to be harmonious and without stridency.

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